Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Back again

I thought that it was about time I did something about this blog. I have been away for a while with a bit of a heart problem but now I am back and after long and hard deliberation decided to put a link from the website to the blog pages.

I have a new publication out since the last time I wrote, Kids Need, and it seems to be going very well. Just had the royalties from the first year of The Barefoot Helper and that will go into my fun fund. That is a little stash that I use just to enjoy myself with and usually manages to take the family to a festival or two in the summer. This year it will be the Big Chill and the Green Man in the Brecon Beacons. Tickets bought, new wellies required since I gave my last pair away at a festival last year.

There have been many life changes since I last wrote in this blog, some that I still have to come to terms with. Lets see how it unfolds.


Anonymous said...

Having just discovered your website and enjoyed all afternoon catching up with some of your work, may a stranger offer sincere hopes that your 'setback' is now fully behind you and that you give your new wellies a very long and very robust workout!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and enjoy the Green Man...

Mark Hamer said...

Well thanks Anon. I have figured out it is not life threatening, just a bit debilitating from time to time - I have an electrical problem in my heart that makes it beat irregularly and go up to about 200bpm from time to time, it can stay at that rate for days but I have discovered vigorous exercise can 'kick it back into a regular rhythm. Please that you like the site.
